GET /v2/orders

You can list all orders or a subset of them with specific parameters (see below). The orders are returned sorted by ID in descending order.


  • Only created_at or ordered_at may be used at a time in a query, not both at the same time.
  • When using the starting_after (see Pagination) parameter alone, using only lt or lte (indicating a timestamp less than or equal to the specified value), for created_at or ordered_at will result in an error. For example:
    • Only having created_at[lt] and starting_after will cause error
    • Having created_at[lt], created_at[gt] and starting_after is acceptable and won't cause an error.
  • When using the ending_before (see Pagination) parameter alone, using only gt or gte (indicating a timestamp greater than or equal to the specified value), for created_at or ordered_at will result in an error. For example:
    • Only having created_at[gt] and ending_before will cause error
    • Having created_at[lt], created_at[gt] and ending_before is acceptable and won't cause an error.


string, optional
Only return the orders with this email
string, optional
Only return the orders with this order number.
datetime or object, optional
A filter on the list based on the object created_at field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be an object with the following options:
created_at[gt]: created_at field is greater than this value
created_at[gte]: created_at field is greater than or equal to this value
created_at[lt]: created_at field is less than this value
created_at[lte]: created_at field is less than or equal to this value
datetime or object, optional
A filter on the list based on the object ordered_at field. The value can be a string with an integer Unix timestamp, or it can be an object with the following options:
ordered_at[gt]: ordered_at field is greater than this value
ordered_at[gte]: ordered_at field is greater than or equal to this value
ordered_at[lt]: ordered_at field is less than this value
ordered_at[lte]: ordered_at field is less than or equal to this value
curl --location -g --request GET "[]=shipping_address&expand[]=line_items&expand[]=notifications.notification_payloads&expand[]=notifications.notification_type&expand[]=fulfillments.trackers.line_items&expand[][]=fulfillments.trackers.carrier&expand[]=fulfillments.shipping_address&expand[]=fulfillments.line_items" \
--header "Authorization: ${PRIVATE_KEY}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
// status

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      "merchant_id": "ORDER_M_ID_34567",
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              "name": "Order placed",
              "category": "pre_shipment",
              "description": "Order was just placed by the customer. This notification will be sent when Shipup receives an order. If the order was placed more than 36 hours prior it is imported in Shipup, this notification will not be sent",
              "slug": "order_placed"
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        "name": "John Doe",
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