In this documentation, you'll find everything you need to get started with the technical implementation of Shipup.
New to Shipup
For more information about Shipup products, you can visit Shipup's website. If you're looking for non-technical articles explaining how Shipup works, go to our help center.
First, you'll need to connect your store with Shipup.
The Sending store data to Shipup section covers our FTP and API integrations. If you're using one of our integrated e-commerce platforms (Shopify, Magento, and Prestashop), you can read more at the Connect Shipup to your e-shop section of our product documentation.
In the Technical guides, you'll find a technical overview of specific parts of our product.
In the Tracking page section, you'll find all the details about how to integrate your tracking page.
In the Smart Delivery Estimate section, you'll find all the details about how to integrate Shipup's Smart Delivery Estimate into your store.
In the Tutorials section, you'll find step-by-step examples about how to send data to Shipup.
Feel free to use the Search feature on the top right corner of this page to quickly access any section of this documentation.
Updated 5 months ago