An order
is a customer's completed request to purchase one or more products from a shop. An order is created when a customer completes the checkout process.
canceled boolean | Whether or not the order is canceled. Defaults to false |
custom_variables object | Order custom variables |
email string | Customer's email address |
first_name string | Customer's first name |
language_code string see available values | Customer's language Defaults to your company's main language if not provided |
last_name string | Customer's last name |
merchant_id string | Unique identifier used by the online retailer for the order |
mute_notifications boolean | If set to true , no notification will be generated for this order. Defaults to false |
order_number string | Shop order reference |
ordered_at datetime | Time at which the order was placed. Mandatory to send pre-shipment notifications |
phone string | Customer's mobile phone. The phone format should either: - follow the international format (eg. with +33 or 0033 )- use the local (national) format. If so, Shipup adds the international prefix thanks to the shipping address' country. |
fulfillments list of fulfillments | List of fulfillments for this order |
line_items list of line items | List of items constituting the order |
shipping_address address | Shipping address for this order |