AbCustom | ab_custom | |
Agediss | agediss | Premium Service | agediss_premium_service | Base | base |
Airmee | airmee | |
Amazon Shipping | amazon_shipping | Amazon UK 2 Days | amazon_shipping_2_days | Amazon UK Next Day | amazon_shipping_next_day | Base | base |
An Post | an_post | |
APC | apc | Expedited International | apc_expedited_international | Parcel Connect Priority Delcon | apc_parcel_connect_priority_delcon | Standard International | apc_standard_international | Base | base |
APG | apg | |
ArrowXL | arrow_xl | |
AxleHire | axlehire | |
B2C Europe | b2c_europe | |
Bartolini | bartolini | bartolini - fermopoint | bartolini_fermopoint | Base | base |
Benito | benito | |
BetterTrucks | better_trucks | |
Boxmotions | boxmotions | |
Bpost | bpost | Base | base | bpack 24h | bpost_bpack_24h | bpack Europe Business | bpost_bpack_europe_business | bpack Express Pro Europe | bpost_bpack_express_pro_europe | bpack Express Pro World | bpost_bpack_express_pro_world | bpack maxi | bpost_bpack_maxi | bpack Pay@home | bpost_bpack_pay_home | bpack Pay@home Maxi | bpost_bpack_pay_home_maxi | bpack Secur | bpost_bpack_secur | Parcel Lockers | bpost_parcel_lockers | Parcel Pick Up Point | bpost_parcel_pick_up_point | bpack World Business | bpost_worl_business |
Bring | bring | Base | base | Home Delivery of heavier goods | bring_home_delivery_heavier_goods | Home delivery parcel | bring_home_delivery_parcel | Mailbox parcel | bring_mailbox_parcel | Pick-up parcel | bring_pick_up_parcel |
Budbee | budbee | |
Canada Post | canada_post | Base | base | Expedited Parcel Local | canada_post_expedited_parcel_local | Expedited Parcel National | canada_post_expedited_parcel_national | Expedited Parcel Regional | canada_post_expedited_parcel_regional | Expedited Parcel USA | canada_post_expedited_parcel_usa | International Parcel Air | canada_post_international_parcel_air | International Parcel Surface | canada_post_international_parcel_surface | Priority Local | canada_post_priority_local | Priority National | canada_post_priority_national | Priority Regional | canada_post_priority_regional | Priority Worldwide International Air | canada_post_priority_worldwide_international_air | Priority Worldwide US | canada_post_priority_worldwide_us | Regular Parcel Local | canada_post_regular_parcel_local | Regular Parcel National | canada_post_regular_parcel_national | Regular Parcel Regional | canada_post_regular_parcel_regional | Small Packet International Air | canada_post_small_packet_international_air | Small Packet International Surface | canada_post_small_packet_international_surface | Small Packet USA | canada_post_small_packet_usa | Tracked Packet International Air | canada_post_tracked_packet_international_air | Tracked Packet USA | canada_post_tracked_packet_usa | Xpresspost International Air | canada_post_xpresspost_international_air | Xpresspost Local | canada_post_xpresspost_local | Xpresspost National | canada_post_xpresspost_national | Xpresspost Regional | canada_post_xpresspost_regional | Xpresspost USA | canada_post_xpresspost_usa |
C Chez Vous | c_chez_vous | |
CDL | cdl | |
Celeritas | celeritas | Base | base | Home Delivery | celeritas_home_delivery | Pickup Point | celeritas_pickup_point |
Chronopost | chronopost | Base | base | 2Shop Direct | chronopost_2shopdirect | Chronofresh express frais | chronopost_chronofresh_express_frais | Chronofresh Express secs | chronopost_chronofresh_express_secs | Échange de vos marchandises en express | chronopost_echange_express | Échange de vos marchandises en express en point relais | chronopost_echange_express_point_relais | Livraison Express dans 230 pays et territoires | chronopost_express_world | Importez vos colis en économique depuis l’Europe vers la France métropolitaine | chronopost_import_colis_eco_europe | Importer vos colis en express de l’étranger vers la France et l’Outre-Mer | chronopost_import_colis_express_etranger | Livraison le jour même vers les particuliers | chronopost_jour_j | Livraison le lendemain avant 10h | chronopost_lendemain_10h | Lendemain avant 13h | chronopost_lendemain_13h | Livraison le lendemain avant 18h | chronopost_lendemain_18h | Lendemain avant 8h | chronopost_lendemain_8h | Lendemain avant 9h | chronopost_lendemain_9h | Livraison et collecte au même moment avant 13h | chronopost_livraison_collecte_avant_13h | Offre de livraison sous contrat de palettes en Outre-Mer | chronopost_livraison_palette_outre_mer | Livraison de palettes aux Etats-Unis | chronopost_livraison_palette_us | Chrono Precise Livraison sur rendez-vous 7J/7 | chronopost_precise_rdv | Prêt-à-Expédier Départ DOM | chronopost_pret_expedier_from_dom | Prêt-à-Expédier Au départ et à destination de la France métropolitaine et Monaco | chronopost_pret_expedier_to_france | Prêt-à-Expédier A destination de l’UE | chronopost_pret_expedier_to_ue | Prêt-à-Expédier A destination du Monde | chronopost_pret_expedier_to_world | Livraison rapide et économique vers l’Europe | chronopost_rapide_eco | Livraison en relais en Europe et Outre-Mer | chronopost_relais_europe_outre_mer | Livraison en relais en France métropolitaine | chronopost_relais_france | Vos retours livrés le lendemain en express | chronopost_retour_lendemain | L’offre de commande en ligne et retrait en point de vente | chronopost_retrait_point_de_vente | Livraison de vos produits de santé en express ambiant | chronopost_sante_express_ambiant | Livraison de vos produits de santé sous température dirigée et contrôlée | chronopost_sante_temperature_controle | Shop2Shop | chronopost_shop2shop | Livraison sur-mesure de vos envois exceptionnels | chronopost_sur_mesure | Courses urgentes sous température dirigée en IDF | chronopost_urgente_temperature_controle | Transport de bouteilles de vin | chronopost_wine_transport |
Ciblex | ciblex | Base | base | C Dispo - Mise à disposition des colis sur des sites de proximités | ciblex_c_dispo | Colisflash - Course urgente dans la journée (100% sur mesure) | ciblex_colisflash | C Prêt à partir - Kits d'envois express | ciblex_c_pret_a_partir | H12 - Livraison express avant 12h | ciblex_h_12 | H8 - Livraison express avant 8h | ciblex_h_8 | H9 - Livraison express avant 9h | ciblex_h_9 | H Export - Livraison express partout dans le monde | ciblex_h_export | H Import - Prise en charge des colis partout dans le monde et livraison express | ciblex_h_import | H Night - Livraison express de nuit | ciblex_h_night | Synchro - C échangé | ciblex_synchro |
City | city | |
CityMail | city_mail | |
Cogepart | cogepart | |
Colis Prive | colis_prive | Base | base | Livraison à domicile | colis_prive_domicile | Livraison à domicile BIS | colis_prive_domicile_bis | Livraison à domicile RCS | colis_prive_domicile_rcs | Livraison Relais B2C | colis_prive_relais_b2c | Livraison Relais Retour | colis_prive_relais_retour |
Colissimo | colissimo | Base | base | Colieco | colissimo_colieco | Delivengo | colissimo_delivengo | Colissimo Domicile Sans Signature - Europe | colissimo_domicile_sans_signature_europe | Colissimo Domicile Sans Signature - France | colissimo_domicile_sans_signature_france | Colissimo Domicile Sans Signature - Outre-Mer | colissimo_domicile_sans_signature_outre_mer | Colissimo Domicile Signature - Europe | colissimo_domicile_signature_europe | Colissimo Domicile Signature - France | colissimo_domicile_signature_france | Colissimo Domicile Signature - Monde | colissimo_domicile_signature_monde | Colissimo Domicile Signature - Outre-Mer | colissimo_domicile_signature_outre_mer | Colissimo Eco - Offre Outre Mer | colissimo_eco_outre_mer | Colissimo Expert Europe | colissimo_expert_europe | Colissimo Expert Monde | colissimo_expert_monde | Colissimo Point Retrait - Europe | colissimo_point_retrait_europe | Colissimo Point Retrait - France | colissimo_point_retrait_france | Colissimo Retour Europe | colissimo_retour_europe | Colissimo Retour France | colissimo_retour_france | Colissimo Retour Monde | colissimo_retour_monde | Colissimo Retour Outre-Mer | colissimo_retour_outre_mer |
Correos | correos | Base | base | Paq Light Internacional | correos_paq_light_internacional | Paq Premium Citypaq | correos_paq_premium_citypaq | Paq Premium Domicilio | correos_paq_premium_domicilio | Paq Premium Oficinas | correos_paq_premium_oficinas | Paquete Internacional Económico | correos_paquete_internacional_economico | Paquete Internacional Premium | correos_paquete_internacional_premium | Paquete Internacional Standard | correos_paquete_internacional_standard |
Correos Express | correos_express | Base | base | EquiPaq 24 | correos_express_equipaq24 | Internacional Estándar | correos_express_internacional_estandar | Internacional Express | correos_express_internacional_express | Express PAQ24 | correos_express_paq24 |
| | coursier_fr | |
Ctt | ctt | |
Dachser | dachser | Base | base | Classic Line | dachser_classic_line | Targo Fix 10h | dachser_targofix_10 | Targo Fix 12h | dachser_targofix_12 | Targo Flex | dachser_targoflex | Targo Onsite | dachser_targo_onsite | Targo Onsite Premium | dachser_targo_onsite_premium | Targo Speed 10h | dachser_targospeed_10 | Targo Speed 12h | dachser_targospeed_12 |
Dao | dao | |
DB Schenker | db_schenker | Base | base | System fix 10h | db_schenker_system_fix_10 | System fix 13 | db_schenker_system_fix_13 | System Export | db_schenker_systexp | System Home | db_schenker_systhome |
Delivening | delivening | |
Deutsche Post (German local post for letters) | deutsche_post | Base | base | Book and Merchandise Shipment | deutsche_post_book_merchandise | Packet Direct Europe | deutsche_post_packet_direct_europe | Packet Direct International | deutsche_post_packet_direct_international | Packet Plus Europe | deutsche_post_packet_plus_europe | Packet Plus International | deutsche_post_packet_plus_international | Packet Priority Europe | deutsche_post_packet_priority_europe | Packet Priority International | deutsche_post_packet_priority_international | Packet Standard Europe | deutsche_post_packet_standard_europe | Packet Standard International | deutsche_post_packet_standard_international | Warenpost | deutsche_post_warenpost |
DHL | dhl | Base | base | Domestic Express 12:00 | dhl_domestic_express_12_00 | Domestic Express 9:00 | dhl_domestic_express_9_00 | Domestic Express Easy | dhl_domestic_express_easy | Domestic Express Envelope | dhl_domestic_express_envelope | Domestic Same Day Doc | dhl_domestic_same_day | Domestic Sprintline Doc | dhl_domestic_sprintline | Domestic Express Worldwide | dhl_domestic_worldwide | Export Economy Select | dhl_export_economy_select | Export Express 12:00 | dhl_export_express_12_00 | Export Express 9:00 | dhl_export_express_9_00 | Export Express Easy | dhl_export_express_easy | Export Express Envelope | dhl_export_express_envelope | Export Jetline Doc | dhl_export_jetline | Export Same Day Doc | dhl_export_same_day | Export Sprintline Doc | dhl_export_sprintline | Export Express Worldwide | dhl_export_worldwide | Import Economy Select | dhl_import_economy_select | Import Express 12:00 | dhl_import_express_12_00 | Import Express 9:00 | dhl_import_express_9_00 | Import Express Easy | dhl_import_express_easy | Import Express Envelope | dhl_import_express_envelope | Import Jetline Doc | dhl_import_jetline | Import Same Day Doc | dhl_import_same_day | Import Sprintline Doc | dhl_import_sprintline | Import Express Worldwide | dhl_import_worldwide |
DHL eCommerce | dhl_ecommerce | Base | base | Economy Select International | dhl_ecommerce_economy_select_international | Packet International | dhl_ecommerce_packet_international | Parcel International Standard - Canada & Europe | dhl_ecommerce_parcel_international_canada_europe | Parcel International Direct | dhl_ecommerce_parcel_international_direct | Parcel international - rest of the world | dhl_ecommerce_parcel_international_rest_of_world | SmartMail Bound Printed Matter Expedited | dhl_ecommerce_smartmail_bound_printed_matter_expedited | SmartMail Bound Printed Matter Ground | dhl_ecommerce_smartmail_bound_printed_matter_ground | SmartMail Flats | dhl_ecommerce_smartmail_flats | SmartMail Parcel Expedited | dhl_ecommerce_smartmail_parcel_expedited | SmartMail Parcel Expedited Max | dhl_ecommerce_smartmail_parcel_expeditedmax | SmartMail Parcel Ground | dhl_ecommerce_smartmail_parcel_ground | SmartMail Parcel Plus Expedited | dhl_ecommerce_smartmail_parcel_plus_expedited | SmartMail Parcel Plus | dhl_ecommerce_smartmail_parcel_plus_expeditedmax | SmartMail Parcel Plus Ground | dhl_ecommerce_smartmail_parcel_plus_ground | SmartMail Parcel Return Ground | dhl_ecommerce_smartmail_parcel_return_ground | SmartMail Parcel Return Light | dhl_ecommerce_smartmail_parcel_return_light | SmartMail Parcel Return Plus | dhl_ecommerce_smartmail_parcel_return_plus |
DHL ES | dhl_es | |
DHL Freight | dhl_freight | |
DHL Germany (German local post for parcels) | deutsche_post_dhl | Base | base | DHL Europaket | deutsche_post_dhl_europaket | DHL Packstation | deutsche_post_dhl_packstation | DHL Paket National | deutsche_post_dhl_paket_national | DHL Postfilial | deutsche_post_dhl_postfilial | DHL 2-MANN-HANDLING | deutsche_post_dhl_two_mann_handling |
DHL Global Forwarding | dhl_gf | Base | base | DHL Air Economy | dhl_gf_air_economy | DHL Airfreight Plus | dhl_gf_airfreight_plus | DHL Air Priority | dhl_gf_air_priority | DHL Same Day Jetline | dhl_gf_sameday_jetline | DHL Same Day Speedline | dhl_gf_sameday_speedline |
DHL Netherlands | dhl_nl | Base | base | DHL Parcel Connect | dhl_nl_parcel_connect | DHL Parcel Europlus | dhl_nl_parcel_europlus | Parcel Europlus Pallet International | dhl_nl_parcel_europlus_pallet_international |
Dhl Parcel Connect | dhl_parcel_connect | Base | base | Pick Up Point | dhl_parcel_connect_pickup_point |
DPD (default for DPD international shipments) | dpd_de | Base | base | À domicile avec Predict | dpd_de_domicile_predict |
DPD UK | dpd | Base | base | DPD European Road | dpd_european_road | DPD Local 10AM - Parcel | dpd_local_10am_parcel | DPD Local European Road | dpd_local_european_road | DPD Local - Parcel Next Day | dpd_local_parcel_nextday | DPD Local Saturday - Parcel | dpd_local_saturday_parcel | DPD Local Two Day (offshore / highlands) | dpd_local_twoday_offshore_highlands | DPD Next Day - ExpressPak | dpd_nextday_expresspak | DPD Next Day - Parcel | dpd_nextday_parcel | DPD Parcel Before 12 Slough | dpd_parcel_before_12slough | DPD Parcel - Saturday | dpd_parcel_saturday | DPD Saturday - ExpressPak | dpd_saturday_expresspark | DPD Two Day (offshore / highlands) | dpd_twoday_offshore_highlands |
DPD France | dpd_fr | Base | base | DPD CLASSIC Europe | dpd_fr_classique_europe | DPD CLASSIC France | dpd_fr_classique_france | DPD CLASSIC Intercontinental | dpd_fr_classique_intercontinental | À domicile avec Predict | dpd_fr_domicile_predict | En relais Pickup | dpd_fr_relais_pickup |
DPD Poland | dpd_poland | |
DSV | dsv | |
Early Bird | early_bird | |
Econt | econt | |
Envialia | envialia | |
Evri | hermes_uk | Base | base | Next day delivery | hermes_uk_next_day |
Evri International | evri_international | |
Fedex | fedex | Base | base | FedEx 1Day Freight | fedex_1day_freight | FedEx 2Day | fedex_2day | FedEx 2Day A.M. | fedex_2day_am | FedEx 2Day Freight | fedex_2day_freight | FedEx 3Day Freight | fedex_3day_freight | FedEx Express Saver | fedex_express_saver | FedEx First Overnight | fedex_first_overnight | FedEx Priority Overnight | fedex_first_priority_overnight | FedEx Standard Overnight | fedex_first_standard_overnight | FedEx Freight Economy | fedex_freight_economy | FedEx Freight Priority | fedex_freight_priority | Fedex Ground | fedex_ground | Fedex Ground Economy (SamePost) | fedex_ground_economy | Ground shipping to Canada | fedex_ground_shipping_to_canada | Fedex Home Delivery | fedex_home_delivery | Fedex International Connect Plus | fedex_international_connect_plus | FedEx International Economy | fedex_international_economy | FedEx International Economy Freight | fedex_international_economy_freight | FedEx International First | fedex_international_first | Fedex International Ground | fedex_international_ground | FedEx International Next Flight | fedex_international_next_flight | FedEx International Premium | fedex_international_premium | FedEx International Priority | fedex_international_priority | FedEx International Priority Freight | fedex_international_priority_freight | FedEx Overnight Freight | fedex_overnight_freight | FedEx Regional Economy | fedex_regional_economy | FedEx SameDay | fedex_same_day | FedEx SameDay City Direct | fedex_same_day_city_direct | FedEx SameDay® City Economy | fedex_same_day_city_economy | FedEx SameDay City Priority | fedex_same_day_city_priority | FedEx SameDay® City Route | fedex_same_day_city_route | FedEx SameDay® City Standard | fedex_same_day_city_standard | FedEx SameDay Freight | fedex_same_day_freight | Fedex UK Economy | fedex_uk_economy | Fedex UK Next Day | fedex_uk_next_day |
Fedex France | fedex_fr | |
Fietskoeriers | fietskoeriers | |
Flexport | flexport | |
France Alliance | france_alliance | |
France Express | france_express | |
Gefco | gefco | |
Geodis Agence | geodis_agence | Base | base | FLY Express | geodis_agence_fly_express | Livraison Express en France | geodis_agence_livraison_express_france | Livraison messagerie en Europe | geodis_agence_livraison_messagerie_europe | Livraison messagerie en France | geodis_agence_livraison_messagerie_france | NET Express - Livraison Express en Europe | geodis_agence_netexpress_livraison_express_europe | On Demand - Livraison Express en France | geodis_agence_on_demand_livraison_express_france | On Demand - Livraison messagerie Belgique / Luxembourg | geodis_agence_on_demand_livraison_messagerie_belgique | On Demand - Livraison messagerie en France | geodis_agence_on_demand_livraison_messagerie_france |
GLS | gls | Base | base | AddonLiabilityService | gls_addon_liability_service | Business Parcel (Standard) | gls_business_parcel | BusinessSmallParcel | gls_business_small_parcel | EuroBusinessParcel | gls_eurobusiness_parcel | EuroBusinessSmallParcel | gls_eurobusiness_small_parcel | Livraison Express J+1 | gls_express_delivery | FlexDeliveryService | gls_flex_delivery_service | GlobalExpressParcel | gls_global_express_parcel | Pharma Service | gls_pharma_service | Shop Delivery | gls_shop_delivery |
GLS Germany | gls_de | |
GLS Italy | gls_it | |
GLS Spain | gls_es | |
GLS US | gls_us | |
GTLink | gt_link | |
Guisnel | guisnel | |
Helthjem | helthjem | |
Heppner | heppner | |
Hermes DE | hermes_de | Base | base | 2 Man Handling | hermes_de_2_man_handling |
Home Logistics | home_logistics | |
IMX | imx | Base | base | IMX Easy | imx_easy | IMX Prio | imx_prio | IMX Sign | imx_sign |
Inntralog | inntralog | |
InPost | in_post | |
InPostPoland | in_post_poland | |
Instabox | instabox | |
Invio | invio | |
Kuehne + Nagel | kuehne_nagel | |
La Poste | colieco | |
Lasership | lasership | |
L@D | lad | |
Lettre Suivie La Poste | lettre_suivie | Base | base | Lettre suivie France | lettre_suivie_france | Lettre suivi monde | lettre_suivie_monde |
LSO | lso | |
Mapotempo | mapotempo | Base | base | MapoTempo - livraisons agglomérations | mapotempo_aglo | MapoTempo - livraison IDF | mapotempo_paris |
Matkahuolto | matkahuolto | |
Mazet | mazet | |
Möbel | mobel | |
Mondial Relay | mondial_relay | Base | base | A Domicile International | mondial_relay_home_international | Point Relais France | mondial_relay_point_relais_france | Point Relais international | mondial_relay_point_relais_international |
MRW | mrw | Base | base | Urgente 14 | mrw_urgente14 |
ocs | ocs | |
OEC | oec | |
Ontime Logistica | ontime_logistica | |
OnTrac | ontrac | |
Österreichische Post | austrian_post | |
Paack | paack | |
Packeta | packeta | |
Palletline | palletline | |
Palletways | palletways | |
Pallex | pallex | |
Panther Logistics | panther | Base | base | Premium service | panther_premium_service |
Parcelforce | parcelforce | Base | base | Express10 | parcelforce_express_10 | Express24 | parcelforce_express24 | Express48 | parcelforce_express48 | Express48 large | parcelforce_express48_large | Express9 | parcelforce_express_9 | ExpressAM | parcelforce_express_am |
Perrenot | perrenot | |
Planzer | planzer | Base | base | Express Delivery | planzer_express_delivery |
PlanzerFtp | planzer_ftp | |
Poste Italiane | poste_italiane | |
Poste Italiane | poste_italiane_ftp | |
Posten | posten | |
Posti Finland | posti_finland | Base | base | Pikkupaketti | posti_finland_pikkupaketti |
PostNl | post_nl | Base | base | Parcel AVG Pickup at Service point | post_nl_avg_pickup_service_point | Parcel AVG Standard | post_nl_avg_standard | Brievenbus | post_nl_brievenbus | European Parcel Service | post_nl_european_parcel_service | Mailbox parcel + Sorted | post_nl_mailbox_parcel_sorted | Mailbox parcel + Unsorted | post_nl_mailbox_parcel_unsorted | Prio mail Tracked | post_nl_prio_mail_tracked |
PostNord | postnord | Base | base | MyPack collect | postnord_mypack_collect | MyPack Home | postnord_mypack_home | Varubrev Economy Class | postnord_varubrev_economy_class | Varubrev First class | postnord_varubrev_first_class |
Prevote | prevote | |
Pro Carrier | pro_carrier | |
PslGroup | psl_group | |
Purolator | purolator | |
Quartarone | quartarone | |
Redur | redur | |
Relais Colis | relais_colis | Base | base | Relais Colis drive | relais_colis_drive | Relais Colis Express | relais_colis_express | Relais Colis Home | relais_colis_home | Relais Colis Home + | relais_colis_home_plus | Relais Colis Max | relais_colis_max | Relais Colis Standard | relais_colis_standard |
Rhenus | rhenus | |
Royal Mail | royal_mail | Base | base | Royal Mail 1st Class | royal_mail_1st_class | Royal Mail 2nd Class | royal_mail_2nd_class | International Economy | royal_mail_international_economy | International Signed | royal_mail_international_signed | International Standard | royal_mail_international_standard | International Tracked | royal_mail_international_tracked | International Tracked & Signed | royal_mail_international_tracked_signed | Royal Mail Sameday | royal_mail_sameday | Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class | royal_mail_signed_1st_class | Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class | royal_mail_signed_2nd_class | Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 1pm | royal_mail_uk_special_delivery_1pm | Royal Mail Special Delivery Guaranteed by 9am | royal_mail_uk_special_delivery_9am | Royal Mail Tracked 24 | royal_mail_uk_tracked_24 | Royal Mail Tracked 48 | royal_mail_uk_tracked_48 |
SDA | sda | |
SDA | sda_ftp | |
Sending | sending | |
Seur | seur | Base | base | Next Day before 10h | seur_next_day_10h | Next day before 13h30 | seur_next_day_13h30 | Next day before 8h30 | seur_next_day_8h30 |
Skynet | skynet | |
SkynetFrance | skynet_france | |
SpringGds | spring_gds | |
SprintLogistics | sprint_logistics | |
Store Process Use this carrier for untracked packages | store_process | |
Swiss Post | swiss_post_lvx | Base | base | B2C | swiss_post_lvx_b2c | Cargo | swiss_post_lvx_cargo |
Swiss Post | swiss_post | Base | base | Cargo | swiss_post_cargo | PostPac Economy | swiss_post_postpac_economy | PostPac Priority | swiss_post_postpac_priority | Saturday delivery | swiss_post_saturday_delivery | Service de montage B2C | swiss_post_service_montage_b2c |
Tamdis | tamdis | Base | base | Premium Service | tamdis_premium_service |
TCS | tcs | |
TcsSterne | tcs_sterne | |
Team | team | |
Tempo One | tempo_one | |
Tforce | tforce | |
Tipsa | tipsa | |
TNT Express (default for TNT international shipments) | tnt_express | |
TNT France | tnt_fr | Base | base | Air Charter | tnt_fr_air_charter | Dedicated Vehicule | tnt_fr_dedicated_vehicule | Economy Express Europe | tnt_fr_economy_express_europe | 12:00 Economy Express Europe | tnt_fr_economy_express_europe_12am | Economy Express Monde | tnt_fr_economy_express_world | Express 10:00 | tnt_fr_express_10am | Express 12:00 | tnt_fr_express_12am | Express 18:00 | tnt_fr_express_18pm | Express 13:00 | tnt_fr_express_1pm | Express 8:00 | tnt_fr_express_8am | Express 9:00 | tnt_fr_express_9am | Next Flight Out | tnt_fr_next_flight_out | Onboard Courier | tnt_fr_onboard_courier | Special Economy Express | tnt_fr_special_economy_express | Special Express | tnt_fr_special_express |
TNT Italia | tnt_it | |
Top Chrono | top_chrono | |
TrakPak | trak_pak | |
Tramo | tramo | Base | base | Premium Service | tramo_premium_service |
Transnautica | transnautica | |
Trusk | trusk | |
UDS | uds | |
UK Mail | uk_mail | Base | base | Parcel Next Day 10KG Single | uk_mail_next_day_10kg | Parcels 48hours | uk_mail_parcel_48h |
UPS | ups | Base | base | 2nd Day Air | ups_2nd_day_air | 2nd Day Air Freight | ups_2nd_day_air_freight | 2nd Day Air Freight NGS | ups_2nd_day_air_freight_ngs | 3 Day Freight | ups_3_day_freight | 3 Day Freight NGS | ups_3_day_freight_ngs | 3 Day Select | ups_3_day_select | 3 Day Select from Canada | ups_3_day_select_from_canada | UPS Access Point | ups_access_point | Access Point Economy | ups_access_point_economy | Air Freight Consolidated | ups_air_freight_consolidated | Air Freight Direct | ups_air_freight_direct | Air Freight Premium Direct | ups_air_freight_premium_direct | Express Saver - Domestic | ups_domestic_express_saver | Express Critical - Domestic | ups_express_critical_domestic | Express Critical - International | ups_express_critical_international | Express Plus | ups_express_plus | Ground Shipping | ups_ground_shipping | Ground with Freight Pricing | ups_ground_with_freight_pricing | Hunderdweight Service | ups_hundredweight_service | Mail innovations | ups_mail_innovations | Next Day Air Early | ups_next_day_air_early | Next Day Air Freight | ups_next_day_air_freight | Next Day Air Freight NGS | ups_next_day_air_freight_ngs | Next Day Air Saver | ups_next_day_air_saver | Next Day Air Shipping | ups_next_day_air_shipping | 2nd Day Air A.M. | ups_second_day_air_am | Standard Delivery | ups_standard_delivery | Standard LTL | ups_standard_ltl | SurePost | ups_surepost | Worldwide Economy DDP | ups_worldwide_economy_ddp | Worldwide Economy DDU | ups_worldwide_economy_ddu | Worldwide Expedited | ups_worldwide_expedited | Worldwide Express | ups_worldwide_express | Worldwide Express Freight | ups_worldwide_express_freight | Worldwide Express Freight Midday | ups_worldwide_express_freight_midday | Worldwide Express NA1 | ups_worldwide_express_na1 | Worldwide Express Plus | ups_worldwide_express_plus | Worldwide Express Saver | ups_worldwide_express_saver | Worldwide saver | ups_worldwide_saver |
Urucat | urucat | Base | base | Premium Service | urucat_premium_service |
USPS | usps | Base | base | Airmail M-Bags | usps_airmail_m_bags | First Class Mail | usps_first_class_mail | First-Class Mail International | usps_first_class_mail_international | First-Class Package International Service | usps_first_class_package_international_service | First Class Package Service | usps_first_class_package_service | Global Express Guaranteed (GXG) | usps_gloval_express_guaranteed | Ground Advantage | usps_ground_advantage | Media Mail, only for existing Shippo customers with grandfathered Media Mail option. | usps_media_mail | Parcel Select | usps_parcel_select | Priority Mail | usps_priority | Priority Mail Express | usps_priority_express | Priority Mail Express International | usps_priority_mail_express_international | Priority Mail International | usps_priority_mail_international | Retail Ground | usps_retail_ground |
Vir | vir | Base | base | Premium Service | vir_premium_service |
Walkers | walkers | |
Warning | warning | |
Wizmo | wizmo | |
YFM | yfm | |
Yodel | yodel | Base | base | Yodel Direct/Collect Plus | yodel_collect_plus | Yodel International | yodel_international | Yodel Offshore services | yodel_offshore | Yodel Xpect | yodel_xpect | Yodel Xpert | yodel_xpert | Yodel Xpress | yodel_xpress |
Yodel Collect+ | yodel_collectplus | |
YunExpress | yun_express | |
Ziegler | ziegler | |
Zigzag | zigzag | Base | base | Chronopost | zigzag_chronopost | Colissimo | zigzag_colissimo | Correos | zigzag_correos | El Carriercito | zigzag_el_carriercito | FedEx | zigzag_fedex | Mondial Relay | zigzag_mondial_relay | No Carrier | zigzag_no_carrier | Relais Colis | zigzag_relais_colis | USPS | zigzag_usps |