Sending orders or trackers
This section covers our FTP and API integrations only. If you're using one of our integrated e-commerce platforms (Shopify, Magento, and Prestashop), you can read more at the Connect Shipup to your e-shop section of our help center.
If you wish to integrate Shipup using our FTP or API integration, you can choose between two distinct data formats: importing trackers or importing orders.
In Shipup, we refer to shipments (or packages, parcels) as trackers.
Importing trackers
This is the simplest way to integrate with Shipup. If you chose this first integration method, you'll send data about an order when it is shipped.
- Easiest way to integrate with Shipup
- Data needs to be sent only once per shipment
- No information about the order's content
- Information is only available in Shipup after shipment, so pre-shipment features are disabled (e.g. your tracking page can not display an order before shipment)
Importing orders
This is the most complete way to integrate with Shipup and to benefit from all our features. If you choose this second integration method, you'll start sending data about an order after it is placed.
- Comprehensive view of an order from placement to delivery
- Advanced features (better multi-shipment order handling, order's contents, ...)
- More complex integration. Will take longer to integrate and can delay your integration with Shipup
Updated 5 months ago
Read more about how to send orders or trackers via API or FTP