Logistics reports fields


Shipup allows you to generate periodic and instantaneous logistic reports on all your packages imported in shipup.
Reports are then sent via email or directly synchronized in your FTP server.
Depending on the chosen configuration during the import, part or all of the below will be present in the CSV report.

Report fields description

tracking_numberPackage Tracking number
carrier_codePackage Carrier code
delivery_status_codePackage delivery status
order_numberOrder number
order_dateOrder date
emailCustomer email
first_nameCustomer first name
last_nameCustomer last name
address_countryDestination country code (ISO 2)
address_zipDestination post code
estimated_delivery_merchant_dateEstimated delivery date of the package provided by the merchant
estimated_delivery_merchant_datetimeEstimated delivery date of the package provided by the merchant in timestamp format
estimated_delivery_promise_dateEstimated delivery date of the package compute from the Shipup account configuration
estimated_delivery_carrier_dateEstimated delivery date of the package provided by the carrier
estimated_delivery_merchant_datetimeEstimated delivery date of the package provided by the carrier in timestamp format
added_to_shipupDate of the creation of the package in shipup ecosystem
label_created_dateDate when the package label is created in the carrier’s systems, i.e. when the package data is received by carrier
carrier_pickup_dateDate when the package is physically processed for the first time by carrier, i.e. when the package is in the hands of carrier for the first time
pickup_point_arrivalDate when the package arrived at the pickup point (if applicable)
first_delivery_attemptDate of the first delivery attempt by the carrier. It can be at the pickup point or at the address of the receiver
return_dateDate when a return, a cancelation or a refusal occurs
delivered0 or 1 depending if the package has been delivered
failed_delivery0 or 1 depending if the package has failed delivery attempts
other_incident0 or 1 depending if an incident, other than a failed delivery attempt, occurred
return0 or 1 depending if the package has been returned
went_to_pickup_point0 or 1 depending if the package went at some point to a pickup point or not
time_to_deliveryTime in hours between pickup event and delivered event
time_to_first_presentationTime in hours between pickup event and first delivery attempt event
time_to_shipTime in hours between order date and pickup event
time_to_pickup_point_retrievalTime in hours between pickup point arrival and delivered event
time_to_possessionTime in hours between order date and delivered event